Lighthouse Network can guide you to safety through emotional storms.
If you’re wrestling with stress, depression, mental health issues, relational conflict, or an eating disorder, we’re here to help. When you call our toll-free number, Lighthouse Network Care Guides will listen to your story, answer your questions, and help you find the best options for recovery. We can connect you with depression and mental health treatment centers that have a program for that is right for you, and we will walk with you through the process of healing and recovery.
Imagine what your life could be like if the storm cleared and you could feel at peace again:
- Regain control of your future.
- Restore a positive outlook on your life.
- Recover loving relationships with friends and family.
- Have control over your negative feelings and celebrate your positive ones.
- Have passion and interest in life again.
- Be free from fear of what will happen next.
- Be the person you once desired to be.
- Enjoy life and have peace in how you live.
Call us today at 844-LifeChange (543-3242). Our Lighthouse Network Care Guides are available to talk 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Each call is confidential, and your identity remains anonymous. We provide this service free to you.
Don’t spend another day struggling by yourself. We’ve helped thousands of men, women, and teens put their lives back together and get back on the path to lasting freedom. Call us today or fill out the form below.
Discover the signs and symptoms for mental health and eating disorder issues:
Recognizing the signs of mental health disorders is the first step in recovery. We have provided links below that list the different symptoms of certain mental health issues and eating disorders. If you or a loved one is having these symptoms, it is time to get help. Contact us today to learn about your treatment options.
Depression / Mental Health Struggles:
Where can I Find Christian Mental Health Treatment?
What are the Symptoms and Treatment for Anxiety Disorder?
What are the Symptoms and Treatment for Severe Depression?
What are the Symptoms and Treatment for Schizophrenia?
What are the Symptoms and Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder?
Eating Disorders:
What are the Symptoms and Treatment for Anorexia
What are the Symptoms and Treatment for Binge Eating Disorder
What are the Symptoms and Treatment for Bulimia
Do I need to talk to a Counselor or Therapist?
Recognizing our need for assistance is one of the first and most courageous steps we can take toward optimal wellness. But determining when it’s time to seek that help can be difficult. When is it time to pursue counseling or therapy?
Let’s summarize it this way: counseling or therapy is usually necessary and very helpful when people are having some difficulties with one of these 3 areas:
1. feelings/emotions, 2. thinking/processing, or 3. actions/behaviors.
These disruptions are usually due to one of the following scenarios. The person is:
1. experiencing something new or different in their lives and are wondering how to navigate the change (or may already be having difficulty navigating the change).
2. struggling with an ongoing pattern of functioning that is negatively impacting their own functioning or the functioning of those around them. They’ve tried to break the patterns or habits, but the struggles compromise their abilities to function daily in appropriate, healthy, and God-honoring ways.
Answer the following questions to help you evaluate your current need for help:
- Do you struggle to have an accurate perspective of yourself or your situations?
- Do you struggle with sadness, apathy, or despair?
- Do you have low motivation in life?
- Do you struggle to make meaningful connections in relationships?
- Are you a worrier, or do you have difficulty with change?
- Do your emotions often cause trouble to you or others?
- Do you have any habits which impede your functioning or which others have asked you to stop?
- Do you have any physical problems which are hard to diagnose or get worse with stress?
- Are you struggling to connect with God and / or not growing in your abilities to apply the Bible to your daily functioning?
- Do you honestly dislike who you are?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may benefit from speaking with a professional counselor. A Lighthouse Network Care Guide would love to talk with you and help you find a Christian Mental Health Treatment option in your area.
Call Lighthouse Network at 844-LifeChange (543-3242). This is a free, caring, confidential call that will start you on your path to emotional health.