Mental Health Websites and Information

Helpful Mental Health Websites and Information

We strive to develop programs and resources that are both scientifically and Biblically accurate and practical. I combine the unique equipping God has given me as a biomedical engineer, medical doctor, psychiatrist, Christian, husband, father, and former alcoholic to unpack life, help us understand why we do what we do, and then apply the Biblical healing God offers.

Thankfully, God has equipped others with expertise and wisdom in various areas that overlap with ours. The websites below are divided into those with an intentional and clear Biblical worldview and those that don’t but provide valuable insight from a scientific perspective. All information, whether from Lighthouse Network, other Christian ministries, or non-Christian organizations need to be filtered through God’s truth in the Bible, but we feel our responsibility to share which ones make that effort to be guided by God and which ones do not.

Christian Websites and Resources for Christian Living Tips

Focus on the Family
Daughters of the Creator
Christian Answers
Faith in the News
YouVersion Bible App and Readings
Faith and Health Connection
100 Essential Bible Passages
Bible Hub
Christian Living
Today’s Christian Woman
Boundless – for singles and NOT a dating service
Christian Counseling and Education Foundation
Christian Medical and Dental Association

Non-Christian Websites and Resources

Center for Disease Control (CDC) – Mental Health
Center for Disease Control (CDC) – Alcohol
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
NARTH Institute and Homosexuality
Russell Webster – keep up to date with drugs and crime

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