The Demonic gains a foothold: Permission will be granted for the inhuman entity to enter. This could involve dabbling in the occult, or using divining techniques such as the Ouija board. In some cases the permission given will not have been so obvious in the victims memory.
Infestation: Poltergeist-like activity generates fear, which, in turn, fuels the demonic.
Oppression: Because time has no meaning to the inhuman entity, this stage can vary from weeks to even years. Paranormal phenomenon intensifies such as the movement of objects increasing in scale and tapping or knocking becoming loud pounding. Injury without obvious cause will occur such as scratches or bites. Nightmares and sleep depravation break down the constitution of the individual. A person’s weaknesses will be targeted with the ultimate desired result on the part of the demonic: Possession
Key Points about Schizophrenia and Demon Possession:
- Schizophrenia can strike anyone, including individuals from deeply religious homes. The concept of devils, heaven and hell is part of Christianity and other religions.
- “Demonic influence” is a rare, but integral belief of many. And many Christians who research schizophrenia wonder about the demonic. “Is my relative possessed?”
- The New Testament mentions demons over 100 times including Matt 8:29; Matt. 10:1ff and John 16:11.
- Even those who have other beliefs or choose to remain skeptical still must relate to Christians who do believe in the supernatural. Many Christians who endure a family member’s battle with schizophrenia will have questions about demonic involvement with a loved one and deserve real answers instead of a condescending response which dismisses such concern as nonsense on the part of ignorant people.
- The Bible itself makes a distinction between disease and possession thus, Christian theology should recognize the difference.
- And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them. Mark 6:13
At least six factors differentiate schizophrenia from demonic possession as described in the Bible. These factors can be helpful when trying to determine if an individual is possessed or has an NBD (NeuroBiological Disorder).
- Attraction to vs. Aversion to Religion: Demons want nothing to do with Christ, spoken name of Jesus Christ, blessed objects and holy water, Cross, etc. Conversely, people with NBD are often devoutly religious.
- Irrational Speech vs. Rational Speech: In New Testament accounts involving demons, the demons spoke in a rational manner. Untreated people with schizophrenia will often speak in nonsense and jump rapidly between unrelated topics.
- Ordinary Learning vs. Supernatural Knowledge: Demons in the New Testament would speak through people to convey knowledge that otherwise could not have been known to the possessed individuals. Can speak a different language they never studied. An inhuman entity can impart hidden knowledge such as facts about someone that the possessed person has only just met. Someone suffering with NBD will not have this access or knowledge. Those with NBD have no such ability to know facts, which they have not acquired by normal learning.
- Normal vs. Occult Phenomena: There will be paranormal phenomena that are apparent to others around the victim in a possession. There is an aspect to demon activity that is just plain spooky (ex.: poltergeists, levitation’s, trances, telepathy). These have an impact on others in the room not just the possessed. With schizophrenia, the effect of the disorder is only on the disordered, not other or nothing in the environment will seem unusual to others.
- The claim to be possessed: Authors who have clinical experience both with demon possession and mental illness, believe those who claim to be possessed are very likely not possessed. Demons wish to be secretive, want to conceal their presence, and do not voluntarily claim to be present.
- Effects of Therapy: If prayer solves the problem, then it was probably not schizophrenia. If medicine helps alleviate the problem, it was not demon possession.
- Body Abnormalities:
- Violent behavior and sacrilegious outbursts
- Abnormal strength
- Wounds appearing that are not self-inflicted or inflicted by an obvious outside source
- Environment:
- Repulsive odors,
- A marked decrease in the temperature and
- Spontaneous movement or destruction of objects in the room of someone allegedly undergoing possession.