As I write this letter and look back on this amazing year, it becomes clear that, with your help,
Lighthouse Network is playing a significant role in one of the most important battles of our time:
helping the hurting all over the country, who are suffering from addiction, to overcome the pain,
grief and despair they live with—every single day.
As we come to the end of 2013, I am pleased to report that our Care Guides have received over
5,400 calls this year from young men and women, fathers and mothers, and even grandparents, who
have come to the end of their ability to deal with addiction themselves. At Lighthouse Network, we
guide people through life’s storms, but we know that every action in life is similar to a raindrop in the
ocean that creates ripples … one action causes a reaction and the circle grows. These ripples go as
far and wide as the ocean will allow, and the ripple effect has begun. We want to share some “ripple
effect” stories with you, and illustrate how you are already part of this story.
Scott—A Lighthouse Network Caller
“While at work in 2008, I injured my back. I tried to work through the pain, but it became too severe.
My doctor prescribed Oxycontin to help with the pain, yet it didn’t seem to help. Next came back
surgery, but it left me bedridden, unable to walk, and unable to care for my children while my wife worked during the day. Unable to work due to the pain, my employer terminated me. I was left with no means to provide for my family, and I began to slip deeper into depression, dependency on drugs, and started having thoughts of suicide.
In the midst of this desperation, a pastor at my church connected me with Lighthouse Network. Their Care Guides listened to my story and helped me assess treatment options to free my mind of drugs an depression.
During nine weeks of treatment, I was slowly guided off my addiction to painkillers. In addition, I discovered the love of God in a deep way that changed my life. On my graduation day from treatment,
I was able to physically walk out under my own power—free from the grasp of addiction and depression!
I am so grateful for the help that Lighthouse Network brought to my life that I am now helping others
who are in the situation I once found myself. If you are struggling with addiction or depression,
Lighthouse Network understands and acts.”
One Care Guide who was previously addicted was healed; his wife and children
were spared more years of pain and anguish; and now Scott has helped hundreds who were addicted
to experience a pain-free, drug-free life, and to live in the freedom that God offers everyone who
receives Him. Scott’s family and those he helped can now also help others.
Nicholas Winton—Young Stockbroker Turned Hero
At just 28, Nicholas Winston helped 669 Jewish refugees escape the torrents of the Holocaust. A
young stockbroker, Nicholas was in the midst of packing his bags for a ski vacation in Switzerland. He
had been planning his trip for weeks but his phone rang, and it was a friend who asked him to detour
his plans and join him in Prague. Nicholas transferred his ticket and went with his friend, not knowing
at the time that he would help change the destiny of thousands of lives because he saw a need and
got involved.
The year was late 1938, and Hitler’s forces were starting to show their true intentions against the
Jewish people. Nicholas could see what was starting to happen and his heart was burdened—he
needed to do something. But what could a 28-year-old stockbroker from London do, when there were
nine million Jews being targeted by the Nazi regime?
Nicholas left Prague, set up an office in his dining room, told all of his friends and family about the
situation and asked them for help. A law in Britain permitted entry for refugees under the age of 17
and this is where Nicholas focused his efforts. He shared the need with everyone he met and asked
them to buy a train ticket to save a child’s life, as many were orphaned when their parents were
killed in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
In the course of the next year, Nicholas arranged train transportation for 669 Jewish children to be evacuated from Czechoslovakia and adopted into British families. 669 lives were saved because one man allowed his vacation plans to be inconvenienced. He saw a need and acted. A simple train ticket is all it took to change these children’s lives to bring them out of certain death and into a bright new future.
Those surviving children, their children, even their grandchildren, as well as all the lives they all touched are now impacting the world one life at a time. But also changed were the lives of the generous people who responded to Nicholas’ call to start a ripple.
Everyday, Lighthouse Network engages in the battle to rescue people from the struggles that crush
their lives and tear their families apart. We find our hope in the incredible stories of those who have
turned their backs on a life of addiction and sorrow, finally finding freedom.
We will never know the full impact of our actions … or inactions. The lives that could be impacted is
where you come in. With your help, a ripple effect is created. Yet, without your help, a ripple effect of
a different kind is created—with a very different outcome.
Right here in the United States, there are thousands of people living in bondage and captivity due to
addiction. Their lives and the lives of their families are tortured each day by this unrelenting taskmaster,
and they think that there is no hope.
Each day, the Care Guide staff at Lighthouse Network takes calls from individuals who are on the
brink of giving up—who have lost hope. Because of their financial situation, they think they are
doomed to remain imprisoned to their addictions, but Lighthouse Network is bringing many of them
hope for the first time.
Here is the opportunity. Few programs exist that have the foundation of Christ-centered, Bible-based
principles, provide psychiatric and psychological depth to address core issues and equip with skills,
and utilize state-of-the-art detox protocols. But Lighthouse Network has helped to establish these
unique Christian Addiction Treatment programs and works closely with several others to provide an
amazing breakthrough for those struggling with addictions. This powerful treatment package has
shown to improve an addict’s chances of recovery and life transformation.
Lighthouse Network callers are in desperate need of help and overjoyed that they have the opportunity
to participate in a medically managed Christian program, for which their insurance would pay
$15,000 to $20,000. But for too many, there is still one big obstacle: The travel costs to get to the
program, as these programs are rare and not around the corner for most people. The average cost of
$375 round trip is beyond some people’s ability to pay.
Because of the consequences of their addiction, in many cases their lives are in shambles, with no
job, decimated finances and the lost trust of family and friends. They desire to start anew—to be
clean—but they see the barrier of the travel funds as too great. They are overwhelmed and once
again they feel lost.
Lighthouse Network is asking you to become a vital part of the Ripple Effect in the lives of these
struggling people. We are asking you to give to help pay for the travel costs to this Christian facility for
hundreds of people in 2014.
We are simply asking you to take action—to see the value of these lives and help us deliver lifechanging
treatment to many for the first time.
Would you consider sponsoring the travel expenses for one or more of our callers? A gift of $375 will
pay for the airfare to put one of these souls on the path to freedom—physically, spiritually, mentally
and emotionally, as well as eternally.
A man can live free from addiction and be a father again. A woman can be freed from her alcohol dependency and form a relationship with Jesus Christ and be a loving, caring mother again. A daughter can be set free from her struggles and turn from her harmful path. A son can set down his heroin needle and embrace the loving arms of his Father.
Please allow your financial gift of any amount to make a difference in someone’s life today.
Here is our vision for 2014:
In 2013, Lighthouse Network changed 109 lives with travel funding. We are praying to be able to offer travel to Christian treatment to 12 people each month, or 144 for 2014. Because round-trip travel for one person costs $375 on average, we will need $54,000 to reach this goal.
If you can help us provide the solution for the one thing that is keeping the hurting from living life in
the freedom that only Christ can give, and help us with travel for one person, or ten, to receive
Christian addiction treatment, you will be helping to change a life that otherwise might not receive
treatment. Our desire is to make it available to everyone who qualifies.
If you remember one thing, please remember this: You are already a part of the Ripple Effect. The
action you take—or don’t take—will set the course of history for someone in need.
We believe that the Lord uses His people to help those who are suffering. Together, let’s be Good
Samaritans to 144 hurting people in 2014, helping them get to the treatment that transforms their
lives and ripples through generations.
We invite you to please click on image to donate!
Merry CHRISTmas
and by HIS grace,
Inpatient Treatment
If you are looking for inpatient treatment options, call us now!