Will Your Medicare Cover Drug Rehab?
Drug addiction can happen to anyone, but it is more prevalent among individuals that also suffer with mental illness like depression, or from chronic physical injury. This is because ongoing conditions that are emotionally or physically painful can break a person down over time, leading them to turn to substances to numb the pain. If you are on Medicare because of a disability or mental health disorder and are in need of drug addiction rehab, we can help. Lighthouse Network can help you find a Medicare covered drug rehab program that is right for you.
Mental Illness and Disability are Connected with Substance Abuse
Addiction and mental illness often go hand in hand. According to the National Institutes of Health, individuals that have been diagnosed with mood or anxiety disorders are twice as likely as the general population to also suffer from a substance use disorder. SAMHSA’s 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health indicates that nearly 8.4 million adults in the United States have co-occurring disorders. Sometimes the mental health disorder is present first and the person over time uses drugs or alcohol to ease the emotional pain and anxiety. Other times, drug and alcohol abuse can aggravate and contribute to mental illness.
Unfortunately, many people with co-occurring disorders are not getting the help they need. According to the same study, only 7.9 percent of people receive treatment for both conditions, and 53.7 percent receive no treatment at all.
Addiction and chronic pain or disability also go hand in hand. Those who suffer from painful conditions due to an injury, a disability, or other causes, can get hooked on the pain medications they have been taking under the care of a physician. Others that feel they have missed out on much in their life (family, job, finances) because of a disability will try to self-medicate their frustrations away.
Medicare for Disability and Mental Illness
Medicare is the government-supported health care system for U.S. citizens over the age of 65 and those with certain disabilities. This program, which is tied to Social Security, is available regardless of income, and covers much of a person’s medical, hospital, and prescription expenses. In general, a disability must be chronic and ongoing for more than two years in order for the person to be eligible for Medicare.
Thankfully, Medicare also covers many of the costs associated with treating addiction disorders. With the advent of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), mental health coverage for individuals on Medicare has been improved. The goal of advocates for ACA is to secure benefits for mental and behavioral health services that are equal to those for other medical conditions.
Today, individuals that receive Medicare are qualified to receive treatment for addiction rehab and mental health services. There are still restrictions about what types of services are covered, and for how long. There are also frequent changes that are made to these plans, so it is important to check on coverage before treatment starts. Lighthouse Network can help you find information about your Medicare coverage. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website can also provide more information about coverage.
If you struggle with drug addiction and also a disability or mental health disorder, you may qualify to receive drug treatment coverage under Medicare. It will be necessary to first determine whether or not you can receive Medicare benefits, and then to find the drug treatment center that will accept this type of insurance. Lighthouse Network works with many providers who accept Medicare. We have several locations, including Georgia, Florida and Texas to serve our Medicare clients. We have partnered with rehab centers that accept Medicare and that offer the highest quality treatment programs. Our rehab centers treat each and every client with the dignity and respect everyone deserves, and our providers are experienced in their field and caring and compassionate toward the needs of others.
Medicare requires many inspections and certifications from national and state agencies and has a very complicated payment system to facilities—so many rehabs do not meet those standards or submit to the stringent Medicare requirements. Finding an approved Medicare facility able to provide more than a basic detox program and a few days of rehab can be difficult, but this is what Lighthouse Network specializes in. Lighthouse Network can help you with checking your coverage and finding treatment centers that accept Medicare; just give us a call at 844-LifeChange (543-3242).
Addiction Kills. Get Drug Addiction Treatment Sooner Than Later
It is important that individuals who struggle with substance use disorders get treatment, regardless of their age, physical health, income level, or work history. It is never too late to get help. Addiction is a disease that keeps the individual from living up to their full potential, and it is one that often threatens the individual’s health, financial stability, family life, and overall well being.
Lighthouse Network is here to help individuals of any age or any socioeconomic status. We believe addiction treatment should be comprehensive and should be done right the first time. We help individuals and families find treatment options that can help them recover from addiction once and for all. If you or someone you love is in need of addiction treatment that is covered by Medicare benefits, contact us at 844-LifeChange (543-3242) today to learn how we can help.