Transformational Tip
During time of trials and burdens we all lack the wisdom we need. But as a parents who love our kids, we place rules, give chores, have realistic expectations of our children which allow and push them to grow into their potential. Unfortunately, our children see them as trials and burdens. Amazing how we have the same child-like view of God’s rules, chores, and expectations for our growth. Turn to God’s gift of faith and Word…and through faith and His Word, you will receive His wisdom.
Father, teach me how to pray to You,
I am learning Lord that the battles I fight each day are often difficult, but through these battles I trust You Lord that you are watching over me and that you have a plan for me and for all of us. I have challenges that are far too great for me to overcome; I thank You Lord for helping me endure these burdens with Your presence.
During times of burdens and trails, I lack wisdom oh Lord…I don’t know what to do, which way to turn…but then I turn to the gift of faith that you have given me…and that faith leads me to believe that I will receive Your wisdom. Your Word tells me in James 1:5-6 that if I lack wisdom all I need to do is to ask You and You will give Your wisdom generously. I am asking Lord, give me Your wisdom this day. I ask with faith and without doubt Father, I pray that through Your grace I will get closer to You today and each day. Remind me that I cannot earn God’s grace; that it is a gift that is our for the taking. Help me Believe, Receive…and then Become who You want me to be to further Your Kingdom. Give me all Your wisdom and peace, so that I can be victorious in our battles and trails. I ask You my Lord and God to align my desires with Your purpose. I ask this through the power of Jesus Christ – Amen
The Truth
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
James 1:5-6
And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge
Exodus 31:3