Stepping Stones: Fight Back Against The Lies

Stepping Stones: Fight Back Against The Lies
May 13, 2009 Lighthouse Network

Transformational Tip
Be clear, our battles are not human or physical battles, they are spiritual battles. The evil one is so crafty, so deceptive. One of his favorite deceptions is to intrude into our minds and reduce our confidence in God’s unconditional love. Fight back and do not let these lies go unchallenged. Be armed with the truth. Thoroughly know the Christmas and Easter story as there really is no better representation of God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice for us than that. Who else, other than your parent, and maybe your spouse would do that for you? Better yet, God promises to love us unconditionally and really does back it up ALL the time with action. Who else in your life does that? Put Satan to the test…scrutinize his activity and love for you. Does it come close to God’s? Then why do you accept or trust any thing from Satan. He is a great tempter and masquerader. Don’t fall for it, because he just laughs at you behind your back while God cries for you and died for you. “Resist the devil and he will flee from you”.

Dear Father,
Help me open my mind and my heart to You today…to open my entire being to receive Your love to the fullest. So many of Your children limp through life starved for Your love because they have not learned the art of receiving You. I know that receiving You is an act of faith: believing that You love me with unlimited, everlasting love. Train my mind Lord to trust You, as I come close to you with confidence.
I know that one of the devils favorite deceptions and intrusions into my mind and thoughts is to undermine my confidence in Your unconditional love. I fight back against these lies today…I do not let them go unchallenged. I resist the devil in Your name and know that he will shrink away from me as I draw closer to Your presence. Give me Your strength today. Envelope me today and always with Your love and peace that passes all human understanding. In Jesus’ holy name – AMEN

The Truth
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
John 8:44
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4:7

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