Transformational Tip
I was a Star Trek maniac as a kid…just the original…Kirk and Spock were the dynamic duo of the universe. Well that’s a future devotional. I loved the episodes where they went back in time and did something that affected the future…their present… usually messing up their lives or the world. Then they had to figure out how to go back and make everything right again so their present and future would be OK. So often we’re like that, spending a lot of time thinking about what we could change about our past so our lives would be better now. Forget what is behind you and focus on what is ahead. Take the stepping stones, one at a time toward the prize which has already been won for you. Remember that even in this imperfect world, any progress in moving toward a Christ-like life is perfect progress.
Today, when a derogatory thought, generated by your past comes up, grab the remote control for your brain and switch to the channel broadcasting Jesus’ victory over sin and death, and the freedom His resurrection brings you now and in the future. Do you know where your brain remote control is?
Dear God my Father,
Trying to live a perfect Christian life can be so difficult that it leaves me drained and discouraged. I feel that I am so far from being a perfect Christian that I will never be able to please You with my life. During these times when I feel discouraged I am so thankful for Your message to me through Paul as he spoke to the Philippians. Help me today Lord to remember that You paid the price for my sinfulness, and remind me to forget what is behind me and to focus on grabbing the prize that’s within reach for which You have called me. I know that I am not a perfect Christian, but I also know that any progress I make to get closer to You is perfect progress. Help me today my God to act on the guidance that you have already given me through the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ victorious name I pray – AMEN!
The Truth
Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14
The path of life leads upward for the prudent, that he may turn away from Sheol beneath.
Proverbs 15:24