Transformational Tip
It’s so tempting, so easy…and at times even feels like harmless fun; looking down upon and judging others. I’ve been guilty of doing it myself, and I have also felt the pain of being looked down upon…being judged by others, and as I’m sure you know, there’s no fun in that. Looking down on others is different than the more caring act of noticing someone’s difficulties and wanting to help them. Looking down on others really exhibits a survival of the fittest mentality…taking from someone for my advancement. This is the opposite of God’s system, which is based on love. Love is about giving, looking out for others, helping people. Judging is about pushing down, taking something from somebody, and not consistent with God’s methods and plan for us.
Today, be mindful that we are called by God to be disciples, not judges. Be aware of looking down on others…for our Lord is the only one that could have looked down on you, but instead, loved you and gave His life. Click here to share your perspective and experience on the subject of looking down on others…or having been looked down upon by others.
Dear Father,
I confess Lord that I have been guilty of judging others. I know I have fallen into this sinful pattern because it gives me the false perception that I am better than those I judge. I wrongly believe it takes the heat off of me. Help me Father to live under your word to “judge not.” For those in my life who have done wrong, let me have compassion and love for them. Instead of judging others, help me be a lighthouse to them in their time of need. Help me minister Your word so that I may comfort and guide them. Also Father, help me forgive those who judge me…help me not give them authority over me with their condemnation. In the name of Jesus, and all God’s people said, – AMEN!
The Truth
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?
Matthew 7:1-3
Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things. And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God?
Romans 2:1-3
Comments (3)
God is so working on me in this area. It has become a red flag in my heart as soon as I have these thoughts about another person; Time to go examine myself with my Father to see how I am just like my judgement on someone else, only then is my heart ready to be used by God in that person's life if/when He wills it. This is most humbling in the relationships with my unbelieving spouse and my "baby" Christian children. I keep praying for a level playing field to permeate my being with all that I encounter, get my heart right to not judge but seek obedience and faith hand in hand before our Loving God growing in His Grace and gift of Jesus' perfect selfless sacrifice…Thank you for the devotion – A new angle on being afraid of heights, lol
I really enjoy your staff's creativity in getting God's message acrossto us readers.
I have been so guilty of looking down on and critizing others. This devotional brought me needed shame and awareness. Thank you -
Home run on this one! Why is it that we are so quick to judge? What gives us the right? Each time I begin to look down on someone I am going to put on my disiple's hat and testify vs. judge. Thank you for keeping these devotionals so real and so practical.