Stepping Stones: The Ultimate Coach

Stepping Stones: The Ultimate Coach
November 3, 2009 Lighthouse Network

Transformational Tip
Watching the Pittsburgh Steeler defense dominate…a 15 yo gymnast just nail her floor routine…a closer shutting the 9th inning door…the US Olympic men’s basketball team winning gold in the last Olympics. Sports present us such great pictures and explanations of how the relationship between God and us works. To maximize performance, the athlete really has to trust the coach in all areas of instruction and strategy. Truly believe their coach wants the best for them, knows the best way to accomplish that, and knows how to get it out of the athlete. Our relationship with God is the same way. We talked about how powerful that child-like for-all-the-marbles trust in God can be, what it can propel us to do, and how much peace and comfort it will bring. I’ve seen it so many times; God doing His greatest work through people with grateful, trusting hearts. The absence of trust is doubt and fear…both coming from an absence of faith. Just think for a moment what it means to have God as your strength. He is the greatest coach and has the best training program to maximize your life, for your enjoyment.
Today, instead of trying to fight your fears, concentrate on trusting Him…this is a shift that will revolutionize your life. Identify one thing you would need to believe differently about God in order to trust Him 100% today…then just trust His promises and see how it goes. Click here to share with the Stepping Stone community your thoughts on why you can trust God and others or struggle trusting God and others.

Dear Father God, I know that when I relate to You with confident trust there is no limit to how much You can strengthen me. Help build my trust in You Lord, for I know that trust is the channel in which Your peace flows into me. I believe, Father God, that Your power is absolutely unlimited. You are so strong and I am so weak. I consecrate my human weakness to You Lord, drawing Your power to my weakness. I pray in the name of the reason for my trust, Christ Jesus, and all God’s children said, – AMEN!

The Truth
And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.
Psalm 9:10
Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For YAH, the LORD, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation. Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
Isaiah 12:2-3

Comments (2)

  1. Karl Cooper 15 years ago

    The thing that strikes me as I read of your comparison of God as coach is how that analogy can really come alive in team sports. The coach can call the perfect play and as the player, we can execute perfectly, but if someone else makes a mistake, it can all go wrong. Our responsibility in those cases is not to blame the coach (God in this instance), but to encourage our fellow teammate/Christian so that they don't make the same mistake again.

    Too many times when we've done the right thing & something still goes wrong, we want to blame God, when our response should be to recognize in humility that things go wrong in this world because we all have free choice. The proper thing to do in those instances is to encourage our fellow Christian (teammate) in grace & mercy to do the right thing & get onto God's game plan.

  2. Anonymous 15 years ago

    Thanks for the reminder to trust. Trusting God for my eternal security comes easily, but trusting Him in my circumstances is difficult for some reason. You'd think it be harder to trust Him to give me life after death than it would be to believe that He loves me today. But Satan has spoken enough lies (yes, I realize they're lies, which I guess is the first step) through people, that I'm still learning to overcome it all.

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