Stepping Stones: You Can Triumph Over Fear

Stepping Stones: You Can Triumph Over Fear
April 30, 2010 Lighthouse Network

Transformational Tip

Fear is a powerful emotion that is difficult to control. It can freeze us in place and make it hard for us to protect ourselves. It attacks our ability to trust. It compromises our ability to relax in relationships. It takes over our thought and decision processes…and we have trouble focusing and learning.

We often repress intense fear. We push it down and cover it up with other emotions like anger, depression, and anxiety. If we grow up with fear as a major organizer of our emotional life, we have difficulty developing trusting relationships. When we do connect with people, we have trouble being natural and genuine.

Are you plagued with fear? Today’s scripture makes it clear that God is telling us that we can triumph over fear. He has given us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. He also tells us in 1 John 4:18 that perfect love drives away fear. God’s love is perfect, and He loves you. As you grasp hold of that truth, you will be able to trust Him more. When you begin to understand how much He loves you, the power of the things you fear will melt compared to the omnipotence of God. Just like your fear in the thunderstorm melts when your loving parent comes into your dark room and holds you.

Today, talk to God about everything. Believe that He loves you…and thank Him for His love. Only then will you be able to walk in peace, not fear. Remember that this is not a onetime event. We need to daily give all our cares and fears to Him, and commit to trusting in His love. Click here to share your perspective with about why you fear what you fear.

Dear Father God, thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. Help me to trust you more, to accept your perfect love. I know that only then can I overcome fear. I pray this and all prayers in the name of the One who sent to forgive my sins and remove my fear, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say – AMEN!

The Truth
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6

Comments (3)

  1. Valerie, Turning Point Recovery 14 years ago

    I am in tears as I am reading this devotional. What a treasure this will be to give to others. For me…stepping outside the box and trusting was very fearful but then 2 1/2 years ago I found the Lord and have been in love ever since. As I walk along my path filled with sink holes and slippery boulders, I am hanging on to Jesus' hand! Thank you so much for all that you are doing!

  2. Anonymous 14 years ago

    I personally love and have clung to the King James version of this verse "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (2 Tim 1:7 KJV) …a sound mind… yes, in the midst of those down times of life when all seems to be crashing in…when you even think you sanity is on the line we can know with certainty that the Lord gave and gives us the power to hold on to His Word and regain our equilibrium ~ simply ask Him, Lord I know your word is true… your gift to me is soundness of mind… I ask you to help me in this place and renew the spirit of truth in me and take this spirit of fear which is not from You. Dispell the darkness and bring light to my path. I trust in You….

  3. Anonymous 14 years ago

    one more thought…. in spite of what our eyes are telling us… what "the world" may be saying about our circumstance… we see with our spiritual eyes the Lords working in the midst of the turmoil and feel His presence in our heart… this is faith… taking the next step… putting the foot forward even though, from a worldly perspective, things appear impossible we know all things are possible with God and He is our joy and strength… we "take courage" as scripture bids us to do… an act of volition.. our act of worship and trust – our highest form of praise.

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