Transformational Tip
Anger: right or wrong? The answer is that anger is right…but it can also be wrong. Anger is a God-given emotional energy designed for good. But the expression of this anger-produced energy can often lead to sin…though it doesn’t have to. With God’s help, we can control our thoughts and actions that come after the anger.
The Bible tells of many times when anger was a positive force for good to be done. Moses’ anger when the Israelites worshipped idols resulted in their repentance (Exodus 32:19-35). Jesus’ anger motivated him to clear abusers from his Father’s temple (Luke 19:45-48).
Actually, it seems like half the Old Testament, God is angry and jealous as the Israelites perpetually reject Him and do their own thing. We know God never sins, so anger itself can’t be a bad thing.
In fact, our anger can be a positive force in many daily situations as well. Appropriate anger at our children’s wrong behaviors can motivate us as parents to exert firm but loving discipline. Anger against injustices and wrongdoing in our communities can motivate us to do something positive about the situation.
Our anger can also lead to sinful acts of selfishness, unkindness or even aggression. It is our responsibility to use our anger-induced energy in positive ways, even if it’s just walking around the block to cool off.
Today, if you experience anger, stop and remember that anger itself isn’t bad, it’s what you decide to do with your anger that will determine a positive or negative outcome. As we find with most situations in life: It’s your choice.
Click here to share your perspective about how anger influences you.
Dear Father God, forgive me for the times I have used my anger in sinful ways instead of as a positive force. I know I get irritated easily and for pretty me-centered reasons. Help me control my thoughts and actions and to use my anger in positive ways. Help me develop eyes that see life more clearly and from a bigger picture view. I pray this and all prayers in the name of Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say – AMEN!
The Truth
Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry … but don’t use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don’t stay angry. Don’t go to bed angry. Don’t give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life.
Ephesians 4:26-27