Transformational Tip
My middle daughter Nicole is in middle school. It always amazes me how much importance and truth these early teenagers put in the opinions of their peers. Peers with limited expertise, experience, understanding, wisdom, or objectivity. But they accept their peer’s communication, whether verbal or non-verbal, become the truth, law, and guiding lenses they use to see themselves.
Why do we place so much importance on what other people think of us? Why are we so devastated when they say hurtful things to us or about us? Does their opinion really count? Who made them all knowledgeable judge, jury, and executioner/
Try and remember, “hurt people hurt people”. Only One has perfect vision of your situation, knows all the facts, has righteous motivation, and doesn’t make any dysfunctional requests of you. Focus on the One whose opinion will ultimately count…your Lord and God.
He tells you in His word how He sees you and what He thinks of your functioning. Above all else, He loves you and continues to pursue you know matter what others think of you.
Today, let Him catch you and talk to you….take time to listen. It will change your opinion of you and Him and life…celebrate what He reveals to you! Don’t let dysfunctional people be your guide. Take in their feedback, but always sift it through God’s grid of how He values, loves, and will always pursue you. Stay focused on this and you will be resilient to the passing fancies of people’s opinions of you.
Dear Father, Help me see myself through Your eyes today, dear Lord. When people do or say hurtful things to me, big and small, help me view this as an opportunity to grow in grace. Please help me quickly forgive the one who has wounded me and not focus on getting even or setting the record straight. Instead of focusing on what others opinions are of me, help me focus on You Lord, for ultimately it is Your view of me that counts. When others treat me unfairly, help me remember that Your ways with me are much better than fair. Your ways are forgiveness, love, and peace which You have poured into my heart by Your Holy Spirit. I pray this in the name of the One who ignored all earthly opinions, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say – AMEN!
The Truth
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Colossians 3:13
I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness
Isaiah 61:10
And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us
Romans 5:5