Transformational Thought
The other day, we hit a glitch with a particular hire we were pursuing. For a moment, I started wishing I was running an organization like a friend’s that was older, more established, and had more cash flow to expand our staff.
How much time do you spend “wishing” for different circumstances, or even a different life? What if you got your wish and were able to switch places with someone or have the life you often dream of? What makes you think you would handle those circumstances any better than you are managing your present real life? Pretty arrogant to think you would do a great job with someone else’s life, when you have struggles with yours.
Wishing and daydreaming is actually such a waste of time. We know one thing for sure: time and energy are extremely limited. God knows exactly the best circumstances for us now so we can reach our desired destination…peace, contentment, joy, control, power, impact, connection, passion, energy. And the most awesome destination, Christ-likeness with a close and intimate relationship with God.
Try to accept each day as a precious gift from God and trust Him enough to yield to His design and purpose. The situations we find ourselves in, He brought specifically to take you one stepping stone closer in developing the mind of Christ and drawing you closer to Him.
Today, instead of longing for what is not, invest that energy and time in trusting Your Lord, praising your Lord. Take a look at your situation and ask yourself, “what is God showing me or want to grow in me?” and “He brought this in my life today for a purpose, so how do I do it well?” Daydreaming will leave you hungry, lost, and discontent. Trusting and praising God then acting on the opportunities He gives you each day will draw you closer to His joyful presence.
Dear Father, I know that I need to take more control over my thoughts. I find I am always yearning for different circumstances. More money, different job, better house, more sexual satisfaction, fitter body. When it’s hot I wish it were cooler…when it’s cold I want it to be warm. I find I am always rejecting the current day’s circumstances and wishing for something different. When I stop and think about this habit I feel foolish and arrogant…but left to itself, without Your wisdom, this is how my brain works. I pray, Lord, that You help me accept each day as it comes, to not wish it away. Let me remember that this is the day You have made for me and to let me be glad. I yield myself to You and Your Holy Spirit. Help me be a better steward of these daily opportunities so I can grow and You can trust me with greater things. I pray in Jesus’ name; and all God’s children say – AMEN!
The Truth
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD. They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness.
Psalm 89:15-16