Transformational Thought
We’ve spent the last 3 days examining, dissecting, I like to call it deconstructing, envy, and we pray it has been helpful and eye-opening for you. Most importantly though, we really hope this series has helped you grow in your understanding of God and yourself as well as move you some stepping stones closer to your goal of Christ-likeness. Not just Christ-like in theory, but actually in your everyday workings of your heart and evidenced by your works.
Today, in our last look at envy, we reveal the destructive belief, distortion, actually, a lie that both fuels envy and is magnified by envy. You see, when you envy someone’s possessions (we aren’t talking about the Godly traits or living that you see in someone else), what you’re really saying is “I am not content with what I have, I deserve more, that “fill in the blank” should be mine, not my neighbor’s.”
If God makes the decisions regarding who has what, the core belief of envy is, drum roll please, God made a mistake! He didn’t give me what I deserve…in fact, He gave it to someone else who doesn’t deserve it as much as I do.” If God really knows me, and loves me, He would give me what I want or “need”.
These distortions and lies are all part of Satan’s plot to make it seem like God isn’t interested in us, doesn’t love us, doesn’t want to help us, or is impotent and can’t help us. The lie draws us away from God, sabotages the relationship God desires with and from us, then pushes us to rely on ourselves.
Today, examine your beliefs about God. Ask yourself, “Am I envious about what others have?” “At times, do I get dissatisfied with what I have?” “Do I get mad at God for my circumstances?” “How often do I look to His instruction manual for answers to grow me so God can give me different circumstances?” Then look deeper and examine whether you truly believe God made a mistake, because if you have some dissatisfaction or envy, then you are believing that God made a mistake.
Dear God, Your love and grace for me are magnificent. Thank You so much for being perfect in all ways. I confess at times that I see something another person has and wonder why I don’t have that…and at times I strongly resent that I don’t have it and believe I deserve one, or even his. I regret, I sadden You as You have given me so much to be grateful for and I am blowing all those gifts off and wishing for the one don’t have but think I need, but You know isn’t right for me at this stage of my development and skills. I yearn for a heart that seeks to grow, wants to change, and is willing to have the pain, in order to get the gain. God, I know You will share in that pain and provide peace and comfort, so help me be brave to step one Stepping Stone closer to the life that is within reach. In Jesus’ name I find true contentment and absolution; and all God’s children say Amen – AMEN!
The Truth
O LORD, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.
Psalm 139:1-4