Transformational Thought
Jumbo shrimp. Military Intelligence. Harmless crime. Non-fat ice cream. Even Christian psychiatrist. These are all oxymorons, figures of speech where contradictory words appear side by side. I know today’s Stepping Stones will sound like a contradiction as well, but here it is; “Be free by becoming controlled.”
At first glance, this instruction, “Be free by being controlled,” sounds impossible, but this is a lesson we see and learn so clearly and often throughout our life. Like submitting to your teachers control, their instruction, learning principles, and strategy, allows greater freedom to choose the vocation you want. Submitting to your coach’s control allows you more freedom from anxiety, pressure, and fear when you face a difficult opponent.
Submitting to a theatre director or music teacher produces great freedom to explore the art, maximize your expressiveness, and freely become the art form. The same is true spiritually, as you submit to the Holy Spirit, stop fighting the way of God, really put on the armor everyday (more on Armor of God), and let the Holy Spirit control your mind and actions. You become free from the world and supernaturally empowered by God. You will become increasingly released from the condemnation of sin and free to become the one He created you to be.
Today, when you sin, confess it immediately. This gets you back in unimpeded fellowship with God and places the Holy Spirit back on the throne of your life. In an important decision today, invite the Holy Spirit to guide you and really submit to His guidance, observing and experiencing how it plays out. Let Him live in the depths of your spirit. His work in you can liberate you to be completely who God intended you to be, and live the life that is WITHIN REACH.
Dear Father God, My desire to be in control is constantly getting in the way…by doing things my way I am continually sabotaging myself. I know that when Your Holy Spirit is controlling my thinking and behavior, I feel more alive…more real. I am freer to live how You want and designed me to live. I pray for humility to allow the Holy Spirit to think for me, live through me, and love on me. I pray this in the freeing name my savior, Jesus Christ; and all God’s people said, – AMEN!
The Truth
For to be carnally minded is death, but to be controlled by the Spirit is life and
Romans 8:6
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10