Transformational Thought
Yesterday we introduced our Lighthouse Network spiritual and Biblical definition and description of an addiction. Today is an experiential description. If you missed yesterday’s, click here to read it now.
Nobody caught in an addiction wanted to feel trapped by it when it first started. Sadly, that is the ultimate end for all addictive behaviors: enslavement.
Addictions make us slaves to that object. Some people can feel the enslavement very specifically. Others are fooled into thinking they aren’t enslaved, because the takeover is so subtle and usually occurs over a big chunk of time. The reality is, we are a slave to the object that soothes. Being “trapped” is exactly where Satan wants us. He cleverly disguises our addiction objects because we aren’t stupid, and really don’t want to be slaves.
People can find themselves obsessively and compulsively hooked on almost anything. The object of desire for an addict is always staring them right in the face. For some it’s using food as a source of comfort. For others it can be substances, control, relationships, anger, spending, Facebook, the phone, sports, TV, anxiety, panic attack, guilt, fear, hobbies, money, power (think parent tactics), a loud and intimidating voice, the silent treatment, avoidance…man, the list is endless.
People caught up in an addiction have replaced God with an idol. They have found something that promises a good time, makes things better or easier to deal with, or makes the pain or go away. What entered our life as an understanding friend and savior quickly became a cruel master. The problem with idols is that they are chosen because we want what we think they can give us. We believe that they will do something for us, so we give them our devotion. But they are actually stone gods…illusions and lies that give us a little, but then trap us by interfering with the full, long term relief that going to God will bring.
Today, know and spread the news that for believers there is great hope. We are not alone in our addictions. No matter where we are, the Holy Spirit is within us and intercedes for us before God. When you are uncomfortable emotionally notice what you turn to for soothing. Today’s scripture tells us that we are “crucified with Christ, therefore we no longer live, but it is Christ who lives within us.” This is the truth: we do not struggle alone. Christ is with us, and in Him we are free. When we are focused on Him, we can find the strength we need for freedom and victory over all our addictions.
WITHIN REACH will help you break these patterns by applying the Bible in practical ways. Check it out for yourself or those you know who need help breaking some patterns.
Dear Father God, Today more than ever I need You to live up to that divine title of Savior. I need You to save me from myself, my addictions, my fear, my burdens. I am so tired of trying to do it on my own. I am weary and exhausted, stressed out and alone. Come to me and save me. Free me from my fears and help me to hold onto You, so that my life, dreams, and hopes can be renewed. I pray this in the name of the one whom You sent to save me, Jesus Christ; And all God’s children say – AMEN!
The Truth
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
John 3:18
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
Galatians 2:20