Transformational Thought
Yes, you have accepted Jesus as your savior… but have you asked yourself the next burning question?
Five years back, I lost my younger brother to cancer. Thankfully, Allen knew Christ and was ready to move on to eternity for complete and ultimate healing. Allen was a loving and dedicated husband and father…my neighbor and best friend. While deep sadness from his loss remains, what God taught those close to Allen during his fight changed our lives. Here’s just one example.
During Allen’s final days he was an in-patient at a cancer treatment center. In addition to the medical staff, there was a team of ministers, priests, nuns and others constantly available to the patients and their families for support, prayer, and questions. One of those was an 82-year-old nun…a retired missionary who spent her days visiting with patients. Allen and Sister became friends.
On one particular day, Allen received more devastating news about the spreading of his cancer. As he was sharing that with me, Sister stopped in for her daily visit with my brother. Allen told her the news; Sister calmly asked him, “What can I do for you?”
Allen told her that he had a question that was plaguing him. He didn’t know whether he should be praying for the healing promised in God’s Word or if he should be praying to align his fate and future with the will of God…whatever that may be. Sister said; “Let me ask you the burning question, Allen. Have you given yourself totally to God? Do that, and He will answer your question.”
Today, ask yourself that burning question, “Have you given yourself totally to God?” If the answer is no, then ask yourself why not? What do you need to believe differently about God or yourself in order to give yourself to Him as He gave Himself for you? As long as you keep putting yourself in your own hands, life will be hard and limited. Your decision, choose well.
Dear Father God, It is so beautiful and rewarding to see Your work even in difficult circumstances. Help me look to You, Father, during these difficult times, as there is so much to learn when life doesn’t meet my expectations. I want to live a life that is close to You. I ask You, Father, to remove all obstacles that prevent me from totally giving myself to You. I pray this in the name of the One who gave Himself totally, Jesus Christ; And all God’s children say – AMEN!
The Truth
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;
Romans 8:26