Transformational Thought
The most rewarding memories I have as a father were when one of my daughters would come to me with a problem. Still to this day, a call from one of my children needing help or guidance evokes such a sense of urgency in me …helping them becomes my highest priority.
My girl’s requests and my opportunities to help generate a sense of wellbeing in me for a number of reasons; it tells me they know I love them, tells me that they love me, and finally, it tells me they trust me. As children, we all start off believing our father has super-human power to tackle and solve any problem, and our mother can soothe and comfort any pain or suffering.
Magical thinking and willingness to suspend reality to believe the impossible, is possible…Examples of magical thinking like, limitations don’t apply to our parents…our parents can read our minds…parents can make our dreams come true.
This is the same mindset we need, a young child’s mind. A mind not yet fully contaminated by the world’s hurts, failures, and letdowns, to have a perfect model on how to view God. Maybe this is the reason scripture tells us over and again that being “childlike” is so very important. It’s more than important; Jesus even states it is a requirement to enter the kingdom of God.
God, as our supreme Father, loves us beyond our human comprehension. And doesn’t a loving father want only the best for his children? Satan uses our parents and the world’s failures to douse this awesome child-like supernatural expectation, understanding, and belief that God instilled and wants to see in us. God’s ways are mysterious to an adult, but to a child, they make perfect sense.
Today, begin receiving the kingdom of God like a little child. Take a confusing or frustrating situation in your day today, and suspend your cynicism and distrust…don’t put God in a box with walls determined by your past hurts, letdowns, and imperfect authority figures. Turn to your Father and ask for His help. Show Him that you love and trust Him…acknowledge your awareness that He loves you. Show child-like adoration, trust, belief, and expectation. Then results happen! Your decision, choose well!
Dear Father, You are such a loving and generous Father. Thank You, Lord. All glory to You, Father. Like a child turns to their earthly father, I turn to You for love, wisdom, guidance…and especially protection from all things that may bring me harm. I place my trust in You, Father…I trust You completely. With You, I feel safe. Help me today, and everyday, to keep Your truths before me…to keep You before me always. Fill me with Your Spirit, my heavenly Father, so that I may grasp the magnitude of Your love for me. I pray that all those who are part of the Stepping Stones community grasp the enormity of Your love for them, Your children. I pray to You in the sacred name of my Lord and brother, Your Son Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say – AMEN!
The Truth
“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
Luke 18:17
And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.
Ephesians 5:32
Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:4