Stepping Stones: Do You Avoid God’s Will Because It Hurts?

Stepping Stones: Do You Avoid God’s Will Because It Hurts?
August 2, 2011 Lighthouse Network

Transformational Thought

I was recently in a situation in which a close friend revealed some information that was quite surprising. After absorbing it, I knew what God wanted me to do. But it was uncomfortable for me to deliver that Godly response, and I knew it would be really uncomfortable for my friend to hear. Actually, I was, and still am concerned, that if I shared what God put on my heart, the friendship might end. Well I said it. And, thankfully, I know we are both better because I did. I know you’ve been in that kind of situation too. How did you feel?

Incidents like this in the past really pushed me to examine myself, and I had to admit that at times, I actually fear the will of God. I have a fear that totally aligning my life with the will of God will actually cause me pain. Then I realized my mistake. My fear was an emotional response. Emotions are great warning signs of potential trouble or danger. But God never intended that we make decisions based on our emotions.

One of Satan’s greatest lies is getting us to believe God’s way is costly … that Satan’s way (or our fleshly way) is on-sale, cheaper, better and less costly. Satan’s ways will always result in immediate spiritual, psychological, and physiological (actual brain) damage. The enemy’s solutions also result in long-term damage in these 3 spheres of spirit, mind, and body.

The Word of God continually calls us to transcend living … to go beyond what is natural and to do what is supernatural. God’s will is so much deeper than our understanding. And though His will may entail sacrifice and pain, remember, His will not only does what is good for us … it does what is the best for us. Following God’s will accomplishes what is best for you and those around you.

Today, practice submission to authority. Stop at every stop sign, don’t go over the speed limit, pass up that cookie or extra serving, go to bed at the right time, don’t look at the cleavage, hold your tongue, serve your spouse, and write a thank you letter to the King of the Universe who is giving you and your life special attention, guidance, and instruction. Take a deep breath and dive into the depths of absolute trust in Him. Do the right thing regardless of how uncomfortable it makes you or how the other person might feel. Live by faith … not by sight. Your decision, choose well.

Dear Father, I confess that while I pray for Your Will to be done, I am often afraid of the discomfort this will actually cause. I know that at times Your Will includes pain. When I am hurting physically, emotionally, or spiritually … I search for ways to relieve or escape my pain. The escape becomes my focus as I obsess about how I will solve my problems. I pray to You, Father, to help me really believe that Your way is perfect. Help me to rely on your peace and comfort. I pray in the name of the One who always followed Your will, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say – AMEN!

The Truth
As for God, his way is perfect … He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him.
2 Samuel 22:31

We live by faith, not by sight
2 Corinthians 5:7

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