Transformational Thought
There are a few prayers that I know God answers fast, that He always seems to say “yes” to. In fact, one particular prayer should actually come with a warning label that goes something like this; “Don’t pray this unless you are ready for instantaneous results.” The prayer is simple; “Please Lord, make me an instrument to carry out some important mission of mercy for you.” In other words, please use me to help someone in need.
We are called to be salt and light in this world, to be a Good Samaritan to the least of these that others ignore, to always be prepared to give an answer for our joy and hope. This answer could be through action or verbal or both. Amazingly though, after you say this prayer, someone in need will practically show up on your life’s doorstep! Why does God answer this prayer so quickly? Because it facilitates God’s whole plan of salvation…to save others by using us. You see, if He didn’t want to use us, He would take us to heaven as soon as we are saved. Many people are in need, and we are called to go and spread the good news, which is the Great Commission.
I believe when we ask God to use us as an instrument to solve other people’s problems, another phenomenal process immediately happens. He begins in earnest to help us with our issues. The natural outcome of helping others is that we get to share in the benefits ourselves… sometimes to an even greater extent than those we help. In many ways it’s the “what goes around comes around” dynamic in reverse. Many people realize that helping someone in need, either the person they help, or the experience, or both, actually helped them more than the help they extended to the ‘needy’ person.
Our natural bent is to be looking out for #1, ourselves. Our focus is activities that help us. “What’s in it for me?” mentality. God knows the amazing experience that is in it for me whenever we humble ourselves to be used by Him to impact others. The resultant blessings and growth we reap are powerful motivators to continue praying this prayer and be missional in our everyday activities!
Today, instead of being so focused on you, ask God to use you as His instrument to help another person. Then expectantly watch with amazement at how quickly he answers your prayer. Be alert to how He will act on you for your growth so you can better help these other people He will raise your antennae for. Then be alert for the person He brings into your life for your help. In fact, it might be someone who’s already in your life waiting for you to be bold in your next step of love. Your decision, choose well.
Dear Father God, I pray that You will use me as Your instrument to carry out some important mission of mercy for You. I know, Father, that if You are going to use me as Your instrument, You will begin to fashion and shape me to be the best possible instrument I can be for the specific role You have created. Thank You, Lord. Help me, Lord, to be a good listener and not a judge as you send those in need my way. Work on my heart so I have Your lenses to be Your mouthpiece, hands, and feet in this missional opportunity You provide. I present these requests in the name of the one who is pure love and always said yes to minister to others, Christ Jesus; and all God’s children say – AMEN!
The Truth
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.
John 15:13
He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.
Matthew 10:39
that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.
Philippians 2:15,16