Transformational Thought
Last year I visited a museum whose premier exhibit featured mummies from around the world. I expected to see bones and teeth but was totally surprised that some of the bodies still had eyelashes, braided hair and fingernails. Some bore imprints from the weaves and dyes of fabrics that had been part of the wrapping process. I learned about the mummification process and its effects on skin. There were even some natural mummies, people whose bodies were preserved due to the climate at the site of burial. Each specimen had a story to tell, but we observers could only know a fraction of the tale.
It was fascinating to see those ancient people who had been preserved for “eternity.” Many bodies were buried along with other objects. There were amulets (small good luck charms) to help protect them from danger. Copies of The Book of the Dead were tucked in to give the person spells, hymns and instructions to reach the afterlife. Mummified fish, cats, and dogs had been placed alongside the bodies to be used by the dead as offerings to appease the gods.
What struck me as I wound my way through the displays was the deep concern for what comes after this life. It’s something that we all think about as time marches on. The Bible says that God has set eternity in the hearts of men. Well, the time to consider that part of our future is right now. Sure, we can live to the fullest enjoying all the world has to offer, trying to fill our lives with pleasurable activities and items, or living the good life. But that is no guarantee of happiness now and it certainly doesn’t ensure happiness after death. People turn to all kinds of “truth” only to find that nothing satisfies. King Solomon had the resources and opportunity to explore more happiness giving options than you and I could ever imagine. In Ecclesiastes, he came to the conclusion that nothing or no one could deliver what he was looking for other than God.
Only the God of the Bible offers lasting truth. Only He loves us so much that He provides a way for our sin to be forgiven and forgotten. Only the Lord God sent His Son to take the punishment we deserve, and offers eternal life to us as a free gift so that we can be with Him in heaven when this life is over. No good luck charms, no offering, no need to wonder if you’ll find heaven. Just accepting God’s gift of eternal life. Just believing that God will be true to his word. He has a great track record, you know.
Each day this week, ask God to show Himself to you. As you open up His instruction book, the Bible, the amazing nuggets, revelations, and peace you will find will amaze you. If you don’t have one at home, try Bible Gateway on the web. You may think this is an exercise with no benefit. But if you’re reading this, don’t think it’s by mistake. Trust that God has led you here as a first step, and that the next step is hearing directly from Him through His own word – the Holy Bible. You don’t need good luck charms because the God of the universe is already charmed when you redeem the eternal and unlimited gift certificate He offers you through His Son, Jesus Christ. Good Luck charms and uncertainty, or Jesus Christ and eternal assurance is your decision, so choose well.
Dear Father, You are the God loves me and wants what is best for me. You’ve been waiting for me to turn my attention towards You and now you have it. Lord, thank You for loving me and making a way for me to be with You in heaven forever. I am more and more aware that You want me to know You. I long to know You better and I am thankful that I am learning more about You every day. Please help me to read your word faithfully so that I am continually growing in my knowledge of You and more importantly, learning to love and serve You. Give me understanding as I read Your word each day. I can be forgetful and easily distracted, but I want to do this, and with Your help, I can do it. I pray in the name of Your son, Jesus, who made a way for me to be with You forever. And all God’s children say: AMEN!
The Truth
What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:9-11
And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. 1 John 5:11-12