Wickedness and trust
Matthew 6:19-34
Many are the woes of the wicked
but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him.
Psalm 32:10
What do you believe is the opposite of wickedness? Until recently, I would have said righteousness. But according to Psalm 32, the opposite of wickedness is trust. Scripture contrasts the people without God – the wicked – with the people who trust in God. On occasion, these trusting ones are called righteous, but their righteousness does not come from anything they have, done; it comes from God himself.
This theme runs throughout the Old Testament. Salvation comes to those who trust God. We do not have to wait until the New Testament to find the doctrine of justification by faith.
Are you trusting God to provide for your every need? For your loved ones, your future, your finances? In order to be surrounded by God’s unfailing love, you must trust him in all areas of life, all the days of your life. The opposite of trust is not simply anxiety; it is wickedness.
This is an excerpt from a book This Day with the Master by Dennis F. Kinlaw. If you would like to buy this book please click here.