Stepping Stones: Everything Into a Pattern of Good

Stepping Stones: Everything Into a Pattern of Good
September 12, 2009 Lighthouse Network

Transformational Tip
I love mysteries, especially movies…they are like an intriguing treasure hunt. Lots of seemingly unrelated facts that point to a couple of potential false treasures. Then the last couple of clues reveal the culmination of what the real path and pattern truly is. Everything makes perfect sense now and I kick myself for feeling frustrated, lost, and hopeless when I was in the middle of the hunt. Sometimes, the map of our lives seem very confusing…we seem way off track from the road to success and fulfillment. But God’s word tells us that He will fit everything into a pattern of good for those who love him…including even those things in your life you wish were different.
Today, start believing that where you are at this point in time is exactly where God knew you would be and He has a great treasure hunt for you. Refuse to worry about the future and you will find all the resources you need for what comes next. Take the hunt one step at a time and enjoy the journey. Remember, Your life will make sense soon so get excited and obey and He will soon reveal the goal and His purpose to you. Click here to comment how God has woven some odd steps in your life into a pattern of good that later made great sense and what you think His purpose was… or whatever God’s revealing in your heart.

Dear Father God,
I can’t imagine how You can take this mess I have created and weave it all into a pattern of good. My current situation seems like a huge mistake to me. I pray Lord that you help me accept my circumstances as Your will. I stand ready Lord to develop eyes that see Your handiwork as You weave these patches of my life into an awesome tapestry. Thanks for caring for and about me as I try to understand your amazing plan to grow me more than I could even know or want for myself. I believe Father that nothing is impossible with You. I pray in the name of Your Son, the greatest treasure, Jesus, and all God’s people said – AMEN!

The Truth
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
For nothing is impossible with God.
Luke 1:37

Comments (2)

  1. Anonymous 15 years ago

    This was very helpful for me today. It made me realize that not seeing the pattern, or not trying to see it is realy due to lack of faith on my part. Seeing all as part of a pattern for good gives me peace and hope. Thank you.

  2. alan 15 years ago

    These devotionals start my day. I pray and these ground me and encourage me to pick up my Bible.
    Thank you for having them and reminding me of our hope.


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