Transformational Thought
During the summer, we went on an exciting adventure in Scotland. Martine’s father emigrated from Scotland and many of her relatives still live there, spread around the country. On our transatlantic travel, we flew through a pretty rocky storm. Thankfully, it only lasted about an hour, although some people were getting a bit unnerved. The pilot told us passengers the storm was so large that there was no way to go around it. We would need to continue to fly through it. He encouraged us to hang in there and assured us we were in no danger.
I have a friend who is a pilot and I’ve flown with him on several occasions. I asked him if he felt flying through storms was dangerous. He said, “No, but as any pilot will tell you, the danger comes in giving into the temptation to fly by your instincts instead of using the instrument panel.” He went on to explain how easy it is to become disoriented if you rely on instincts – thinking the plane is going up when it’s actually going down. Thankfully, the instrument panel is set to magnetic north and can be trusted every time, no matter how bad the conditions might be. He said that letting the instruments guide you … even when it feels wrong … ensures safety in the storm.
We all face storms that not just threaten, but actually confuse and disorient us. Experiencing an ominous call from the doctor’s office, a significant conflict with a loved one or friend, a financial setback, an unexpected obstacle in your day, a shattered dream, or seeing a child struggle are times to be especially careful. When you are blinded by life’s disappointments, don’t trust your instincts. Flying by the seat of your pants during life’s storms can lead to despair, confusion, and vengeful responses that make matters worse … and this is exactly where Satan wants you to be.
God wants to guide you, and His Word is packed with wisdom and insights for living. No matter what, you have to trust in something to guide you. So, what will be your instrument panel? Go to your Bible and trust God. Trust His promises and character. Let His instructions guide you through the storms of life.
Storms are inevitable, but today, in your next storm, make the decision to use God as your instrument panel. If you are experiencing a conflict, examine what you are leaning on, what instrument panel are you reading to guide and interpret the situation. Then compare it to the power and track record of God and His word. You definitely want to follow where His instrument panel guides you. Your decision, choose well.
Dear Father God, I seem to spend most of my life in storms … worse yet, I get disoriented easily. Help me trust in Your sovereignty as these storms come my way. I turn now to You God, to help me know what is up and what is down. I want to rely on You as my instrument panel and my lighthouse … teach me how to develop antennae for Your signals, and how to follow Your tracking signal. I pray in the name of the ultimate instrument panel, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children said – AMEN!
The Truth
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.
Psalm 32:8
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105