September 7, 2102
Transformational Thought
Satan’s taunting can be hard to sort out, and breaking the grip of isolation and addiction may seem even more difficult. Truly, in our own power we can’t accomplish this. As we discovered yesterday, the taunting intentionally drives us to doubt our value and God’s design. Once persuaded, we break fellowship with God and others. When we disconnect from the common union for which we were created, we look for quick fix ways to cope with or escape the loneliness, longing, and pain resulting from that broken union.
I once heard a wise teacher say, “When we’re alone, we believe everything we think.” Ah, so true. Not surprisingly, to break free from the grip of the taunting and our addictive condition, we have to let others in and become connected with them; we need to know and become known. But that’s scary. We’ve experienced taunting from others … from people who weren’t safe. Yet, we are safe when in “common union” – in fellowship with others who reflect and reveal the image of God and speak truth to our value in Him. But, this doesn’t just happen. We must intentionally choose fellowship in order to break the isolation. And then we must trust the longing for which we were created instead of hedonistic momentary sexual pleasures and superficial me-centered relationships.
The Almighty is a good God and He continually thinks of you, His beloved, and your purpose in His plan. For this reason He has brought Lighthouse Network and L.I.F.E. Ministries together to help you Live In Freedom Everyday in sexual integrity. If you are ready to choose fellowship, help is here. L.I.F.E. Groups are safe places where participants learn to express feelings and process pain, all while in fellowship with others on the recovery journey. L.I.F.E. Groups are like a second family, where we learn healthy intimacy skills that were not taught in our family of origin. Often, the L.I.F.E. Group is the first, and maybe only place, where participants learn that they are not alone. Although presentations of addiction vary, there are common core issues. Sobriety is only one element of the transformation process. We must also uncover and heal the core issues that are driving the addictive condition. Otherwise we will simply switch to another addiction as a method of coping to escape the pain. As we openly express feelings and work through the pain of our core issues, accountability and fellowship with others who are in recovery will help us to recognize strongholds of unbelief as we seek God’s truth in His word.
Today, know you were meant to make a difference in your generation. If you, or someone you know and love, is struggling with sexual issues and sin, take this opportunity to break isolation and connect them to others in a safe “>L.I.F.E. Group environment and walk in the freedom of a restored image. The Father awaits your request to become all that He intended you to be. What could God do with your story? Pursuing healing and wholeness is your decision, so choose well.
Father, I have battled the enemy and used many things to quiet the taunting in my own power. My heart longs for You and I need help to sift through the misperceptions that I have about You and Your plan for my life. I do want fellowship with others, I do want to break free from isolation, but I am afraid. Help me now. Speak truth to my heart. Give me a vision of Your plan for me in right relationship with You and Your people. Help me to reach out and connect with others. I don’t want to live in isolation; I want to live in freedom everyday in the reflection of Your glory. Give me courage to expose my secrets and myself. Strengthen me to weigh only Your view of me as I make my decisions. Make Your protection known to me so I am not afraid to be vulnerable. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, who showed me ultimate vulnerability; and all God’s children say – AMEN!
The Truth
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:27-28
And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. Genesis 2:25
Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2