Medicare Has Many Requirements for Drug Treatment Programs
One of the reasons it is often so difficult to find a drug and alcohol addiction treatment program which accepts Medicare is because Medicare is very selective about who they contract with for services like residential addiction treatment. Not only must the facility offer high levels of medical services, but they must be accredited by several national and state agencies. Becoming accredited takes hard work over several years, recruiting licensed professional staff, developing a solid program, and establishing clear policies and procedures for successful programs. Some facilities are not patient enough or able to successfully meet these requirements, or simply choose not to put the work into it.
In short, facilities must be willing to work with the federal and state governments to provide the right type of services in order to accept Medicare. Drug and alcohol addiction treatment rehabs are not always willing to go though the difficult process to be reimbursed by Medicare and all the requirements that go along with it. They often prefer to work with insurance companies or private pay clients, because it is easier, entails less hassles, and their reimbursement is higher.
Everyone Needs Access to Quality Drug Rehab
At Lighthouse Network we know many people are desperate for help but cannot afford it on their own and do not have insurance to cover the cost of treatment. We believe it is important to come alongside and help these individuals get past their addiction so they can take control of their lives again. We have a comprehensive, nationwide database of the best drug rehabs in the country, and we will use our knowledge to help you.
We understand the process treatment centers have to go through to be able to accept Medicare, and we have partnered with those that offer the very best research-tested programs. The drug and alcohol addiction treatment rehabs we work with use proven techniques for therapy in order to help clients achieve real and lasting results.
Finding the Right Kind of Drug Treatment is Important
Some people find drug treatment programs that will accept Medicare, but they end up being the wrong kind of treatment for the person. Medicare will not always cover treatment past detox, or it puts conditions on whether a person’s residential treatment will be covered or not. Other people find that they are unable to qualify for psychological rehab or any type of long-term care. According to Lighthouse Network’s Dr. Karl Benzio, “It is crucial for individuals to find treatment facilities which have the medical (detox and psychiatric) components to recovery, as well as the psychological rehab components. But most important is a program also incorporating a spiritual component to empower and guide you to the deeper healing you desire. This spirit, mind, and body integrated approach is vital to the recovery process.”
Do not settle for a treatment program that isn’t right for you—it will only lead to relapse. The first step is finding a program that will allow you to withdraw from your substance safely and complication-free. Detox is only the beginning, however. After coming off of your substance, you will need to go through therapy (residential or outpatient) to develop techniques necessary to cope with life without running to a substance, and to heal the inner core issues that have contributed to your addiction.
In the end, it’s all about finding a program that will meet your needs. Dr. Benzio advises, “To fully recover, it is important to find a program that will address your issues and provide help for as long as you need it. Lighthouse Network is able to find facilities which are able to provide intensive treatment for 30 days or longer to give you the best chance for sustained recovery. During intensive treatment, you will not only clean out your system from substances and allow your head to clear, but you will start to learn improved coping skills, get to more of the core issues, and identify any significant underlying psychiatric issue contributing to your addiction.”
At Lighthouse Network, we know recovery is possible. We connect clients with programs that change lives. Contact us at 844-LifeChange (543-3242) today to learn more.