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Aug 6, 2014 Transformational Thought Don’t we all need some form of healing? How healthy is your Mind? Your...
July 23, 2014 Transformational Thought For four years of elementary school, I was pulled out of class for speech...
July 5-6, 2014 Transformational Thought When I talk to patients or workshop attendees, they often express a desire for...
April 15, 2014 Transformational Thought Yesterday, we opened up the topic of feeling uncomfortable with people who are different...
February 25, 2014 Transformational Thought How often have you wished for just a little more power at some time...
January 3, 2014 Transformational Thought My mother was a great teacher of many things: piano, Easter egg decorating the...
December 31, 2013 Lighthouse Network 2013 Newsletter Lighthouse Network is thankful to have the privilege to bring you Stepping...
December 20, 2013 Lighthouse Network 2013 Newsletter Lighthouse Network is thankful to have the privilege to bring you Stepping...
November 12, 2013 Transformational Thought Jumbo shrimp. Military Intelligence. Harmless crime. Non-fat ice cream. Especially Christian psychiatrist. These are...
October 28, 2013 Transformational Thought Fear … of speaking in class … of giving a lecture … of blowing...
August 30, 2013 Transformational Thought Football is a violent sport. I played it, didn’t like it. I played quarterback,...
August 29, 2013 Transformational Thought As a kid, I was not a big reader. I actually hated it. But...
August 12, 2013 Transformational Thought I was driving around town trying to catch up on some errands when I...
July 26, 2013 Transformational Thought For today’s Stepping Stones, let me take you back to your childhood. No, I...
July 2, 2013 Transformational Thought For four years of elementary school I was pulled out of class for speech...
June 20, 2013 Transformational Thought Disagreement, conflict, disputes, battles, and war. The words themselves cause us to brace ourselves...
May 15, 2013 Transformational Thought As we come to Jesus and begin to understand who we are in Him,...
May 13, 2013 Transformational Thought As a psychiatrist, one of the most difficult parts of my job is listening...
May 11, 2013 Transformational Thought One of my favorite childhood TV shows was Gilligan’s Island and Maryanne was one...
May 9, 2013 Transformational Thought Sometimes I like to ask people, “Who are you?” It’s interesting to hear the...
May 8, 2013 Transformational Thought In the last Stepping Stones, we discussed our curiosity and need to make deals...
May 1, 2013 Transformational Thought Forgiveness, in some ways is so simple, and in other respects, so complicated....
March 23-24, 2013 Transformational Thought Boring. What a terrible word! Who wants to be called boring? The goal of...
March 6, 2013 Transformational Thought We hear the following phrase a lot, but often in the wrong context or...
March 5, 2013 Transformational Thought We all experience setbacks and disappointments in life. Sometimes they are small ones that...
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